On Tue, 31 Jul 2001, mlists wrote:

>       This is a "multipart/form-data" form, using method "POST" I'm unable to
> retrieve the params passed to the cgi via "$cgi->param('PARAM')", HOWEVER,
> if the method is "GET" the "$cgi->param('PARAM')" works, but "GET" is not
> supposed to work with "multipart/form-data" and doesn't in actually getting
> the file sent by the user via an upload script.
>       I've even gone over the httpd.conf in hopes that it could be in there.
> Everything is install RPM, but I've also tried source with the same results.
> I will try to include everything that will be of help, but if I forget
> something just e-mail me and I'll get it for you.

The crucial thing you forgot to include is the actual code that is
bombing.  I see you are using CGI.pm, but are you using the actual
multipart/form support in CGI.pm (using start_multipart_form)?

-- Brett
        "And what will you do when you grow up to be as big as me?"
asked the father of his little son.

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