At 02:59 PM 08/08/2001 -0700, Lynn Glessner wrote:
>Ultra-Edit has a perl-specific mode (color coding, automatic indenting, the
>normal) and has a killer "save to FTP" feature for doing your work on a
>windows station and automatically saving to a Unix box.

Ultra-Edit has almost everything to recommend for a Perl programmer, except
for its lack of a "subroutine navigator", which is the only reason why I
keep PerlBuilder around. But UE is truly a swiss-army chainsaw that does
almost every concievable thing, yet manages to keep a very low footprint as
far as system resources and diskspace are concerned--its amazing that this
thing loads up just as quickly as Notepad/Wordpad, considering everything
it fact, its so good, I rarely use Emacs anymore! :)

All it needs now are built-in CVS support and a subroutine navigator, and
UE would be perfect.

And no, I dont have any financial interest in this just an
enthusiastic user. :)


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