Hello Teresa,

Monday, August 13, 2001, 12:48:12 PM, you wrote:

TR> My computer has died so, I'm using my husband's which means that I 
TR> have lost all my links.  So, could someone please post the CGI.pm 
TR> documentation link?

>>I believe what may be happening is the listbox/checkbox is returning an
>>array so $param{$i} for them is an array reference ... There is a discussing
>>in the doc for CGI about this ...
>>Hope this helps ...
>>PS ...
>>foreach (keys %params)
>>       {
>>       print "error msg" if ($params{$_} !~ /^([\w\s\.\/-]+)$/i);
>>       }
>>I forget about "$_" ... it's free
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Teresa Raymond [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>>Sent: August 11, 2001 13:03
>>Subject: Multiple values and regex issue
>>I have the below regex which works except when I send multiple values
>>through a drop down list or through checkboxes.  The test evaluates
>>true and prints the Error Msg every time multiple values are passed.
>>Any suggestions?
>>foreach my $i (keys %params)
>>if ($params{$i} !~/^([\w\s\.\/-]+)$/i)
>>     {
>>print "Error Msg";
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Best regards,
K.L. Hayes

+ "Only two things are infinite, the universe and     +
+ human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."+
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