
On Thu, 23 Aug 2001, John wrote:

> The current incarnation of my script blows itself out of the water if the
> $user_body variable (the TEXTAREA source) is greater than 4K, for example.
> This is good.
> I would like to be able to capture and control the process so that I don't
> get rudely blown out of the water with a crude 500 Server message (this
> would be gooder! <g>). I would like to: a)generate a useful message and, b)
> set some flags, do some more processing, and send a message back to the user
> to give them an opportunity to correct their input and atone for their sins.
> (This would be more gooder! <g>)

In general, you always want to die gracefully from within a web script so
the error is logged and the user doesn't get an icky 500 error page.  

For example, in database apps I write, for any error, I tell the user the
database is unavailable and I log the error.

The following has worked for me when dealing with POST_MAX:

use CGI qw/:standard/;
$CGI::POST_MAX=1024 * 10;
$| = 1;

my $page = new CGI;

print $page->header;

$run = $page->param('RUN'); 
if (!$run && cgi_error()) { 
        # do whatever you do for an error
        &dieWell ("413: Max Posting surpassed.");

sub dieWell  {
        my $message = shift;
        # remember to print proper headers if not done by now
        print "$thanks_for_playing_message\n";
        # do logging of $message if you want, send yourself email, whatever
        &footer;  # end my html -

Lisa Wolfisch Nyman  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  IT Warrior Princess
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