I am new to PERL and CGI and start to learn from this mailing list.

I download script from the web and try to customized and run on the server.

First, the script run properly when I run it on SCO-UNIX, APACHE, and Perl
But when I try run the same script on RedHat LINUX, APACHE, and Perl 5.6.0,
come an error message :
dynamic linker : /usr/local/bin/perl : Symbol not found : dlopen
[Wed Aug 29 15:52:55 2001] [error] [client] Premature end of
script headers : /u/APACHE/cgi-bin/file-upload.cgi

My question, what cause the error ? the OS or the Perl ? Or could anything
else ?
I attach the script.
Any suggestion will be a great help.
Thank you.


Gede Gilijk


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