Morbus Iff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Recently, I've been reading a lot into CGI performance and how to
> reduce the amount of memory and time it takes to run a CGI based
> application. The number one thing to attack is the start time - the
> half second or so that Perl looks at the script and compiles all the
> modules and that sort of junk.

>From an email correspondence I had with ActiveState:

    Unfortunately, PerlEx does not currently allow you to use 
    taint checking. However, it is being considered as a feature 
    of the next PerlEx release, which is scheduled to occur in 
    the couple of months.

That was several months ago and, as far as I know, taint checking is still not 
supported.  This
alone is reason enough for me to rule out PerlEx.  Oh, and the $395.00 *per CPU* is 
pretty steep
considering that the alternatives are free, well-documented and much more secure.

Curtis "Ovid" Poe

Senior Programmer
Onsite! Technology (
"Ovid" on

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