Thanks Gunther, Brett used too many new jargon-sounding words in one
sentence, but I appreciate his willingness to help.

Simply copying perl.exe to a new directory (c:/usr/bin/) works like a charm!

Now I can use my scripts on all my my hosts (until one decides they want to
use the windoze shebang...!

The plain unix flavor shebang works fine on my Win32 Apache now.

Thanks a million Gunther!


> From: Gunther Birznieks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Sun, 02 Sep 2001 07:25:31 +0800
> To: "Brett W. McCoy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Shannon Murdoch
> Subject: Re: Win32 Apache and Perl
> At 03:59 PM 9/1/2001 -0400, Brett W. McCoy wrote:
>> On Fri, 31 Aug 2001, Shannon Murdoch wrote:
>>> Is there any way (I'm sure there is) to make my perl scripts run with the
>>> standard unix shebang instead?
>> Yes, use Unix. :-)
> So helpful for the Operating System "challenged". :)
>> If you are usig ActiveState, you have to use the Windows way of using
>> pathnames.  If you are using CygWin (which is a POSIX emulation layer for
>> Win32), you can use the Unix-style shebang line with CygWin's version of
>> Perl.
> Brett, are you sure that this is the end of the story?
> The parsing of the shebang line is not purely a function of the Operating
> System layer (as you suggest using CygWin) but is also a function of Apache
> (specificially on Win32). I have tried and was successful with the
> following technique 3 years ago, but I do not know whether such a technique
> will still work.
> The premise is that Apache (on Win32 -- this is a special feature of Win32
> Apache) already understands #!c:\perl\bin\perl.exe. It's actually a *really
> nice* feature because it allows you to enable warnings and taintmode
> without mucking about with the the file association registry stuff -- I
> could go off on a soapbox now about this but I won't.
> But, when I experimented with different things I found that Apache could
> interpret and understand by itself, the following things in Win32:
> a) #!c:\perl\bin\perl
> Taking of .exe works
> b) #!c:/perl/bin/perl
> switching the backslashes representation works.
> c) and a final experiment
> #!/perl/bin/perl
> Shows that Apache understood that it was also installed on the C: drive and
> therefore did not need the pointer to let it know to find Perl there.
> So this would lead us to figuring that #!/perl/bin/perl could be made to
> look like /usr/bin/perl. How? Easy enough I think.
> I basically installed Perl into c:\usr instead of c:\perl so that bin was
> under c:\usr\bin.
> And that worked for me.
> I can't say if this still works but if Apache is doing the interpretation I
> don't see why not. Note that this is an Apache feature -- this won't help
> you with brain dead web servers like IIS that make it really hard to set up
> CGI/Perl. But since the question was specifically about Win32 Apache, I've
> obliged to talk about it.
> One other note is that rather than going through another ActiveState Perl
> install into \usr, I think that you can simply make a copy of perl.exe in
> c:\usr\bin\ and keep your perl distro where it is as the registry or some
> other setting in windows actually knows that the Perl distro for that
> binary is in c:\perl and so this technique can be tried out in an even
> *easier* fashion than my first suggestion.
> Shannon, if you would be so kind, I would be interested to know this
> technique still works if you end up trying it.
> Good Luck,
> Gunther

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