i think i see your problem

if you edit this line in the "comment out" section

open (mailfile,">>".$mailfile);


open (mailfile,">> ".$mailfile) or die "$0: couldnt open $mailfile :$!";

note the space after the >>  in ">> "

 you could also write ">> $mailfile" instead of ">> ".$mailfile 
 but that's just a matter of taste

hope it works
in any case it will show the error perl generates


Remco Schoeman

The Lodge

-----Original Message-----
From: Peter Bosmans [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: maandag 10 september 2001 17:25
Subject: I'm stuck


I've a little problem. 
The next cgiscript doesn't work. (The mailfile will be created but i get
a server error at my browser) 
But if i comment the 3 lines between "comment out", then this script
will work. (i see the generated HTML-page at my browser)
Does anybody see what the problem is ? 
Thanks in advance


#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
use CGI;
$query = new CGI;
$teamleader = "me.myself\@my_island.see";
$mailfile = "/home/myself/mymail.".$$;

# Comment out these lines and this perl script will work
open (mailfile,">>".$mailfile);
print mailfile "Originator : ".$query->param('ORIG')."\n";
close (mailfile);
# End comment out
#unlink ($mailfile);
print $query->header('text/html');
print $query->start_html('Input CR','me.myself\@my_island.see');
print $query->h1('Your request is sended to the teamleader
print $query->end_html();

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