RTF::Document was RTF::Generator

I'm all set for now...

RTF::Generator appears to need Thread. I was not able to properly 
install this prerequisite, since I am not "root" and cannot implement 
"loadables" the server (It's not a windows box). I did manage to 
manually "install" RTF::Document. (Create a sub-directory off of cgi-bin 
named RTF and place the file Document.pm in it. Works like a charm. I'll 
place a follow up note here, if I run into any show stopper.)

I'm semi-automating a newsletter for a club I belong to, so I must go 
with what's expedient.

I have discovered that it appears it will to be easier to use 
RTF::Document than try to "fit the square peg into the round hole" a la 
implementing RTF::Generator on Perl 5.00404.

perldoc RTF::Cookbook

and the Microsoft RTF specification at


seem to have the information I need.

I, also, used Word to create an empty RTF document, a couple of 
documents with a BMP (bitmap) graphic, a document with a table, and a 
document with both graphics and tables. The preceding references 
indicate that graphics and tables are problematic, so these simple(?) 
examples should help me. I observed that the BMP is stored in line in 
the document; it is not a link. Only a couple of graphic types are 
supported by RTF; BMP seems the right choice for me. I just opened my 
JPEG in MSIE and saved the picture as BMP.

Al Wheeler wrote:

> Hi,
> I am trying to find the appropriate forum or person(s) as related to the
> following:
> RTF::Generator
> How do I go about making RTF module & components work on Perl 5.004? Might
> there be a translator script for 5.005 to 5.004? 
> If I must write the code myself, then where do I look for information about
> the differences between 5.005 and 5.004? Any help appreciated.
> Thankyou,
> Al Wheeler

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