> -----Original Message-----
> From: Wagner Garcia Campagner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, November 08, 2001 12:27 PM
> Subject: End of File
> Hi,
> I don't know how to tell perl EOF, i am doing a search in a 
> file like this:
> $username eq 'wagner';
> $file = 'c:\file';
> open(INFO, $file);
> do
> {
> $lines = <INFO>;
> chop $lines;
> }
> while ($lines !~/$username/);
> close(INFO);
> The problem is if the file doesn't have a line with the word 
> "wagner" it
> become a infinte looping....
> The while statement should be:
> while (($linhas !~/$username/) || EOF);
> But how is the correct sintax for EOF?????

>From perlop:

      In scalar context, evaluating a filehandle in angle brackets yields
      the next line from that file (the newline, if any, included), or
      "undef" at end-of-file or on error.  When "$/" is set to "undef"
      (sometimes known as file-slurp mode) and the file is empty, it returns
      "''" the first time, followed by "undef" subsequently.

so something like

   $lines = <INFO> or last;

should do the trick. That will stop the loop at end of file.

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