On Thu, 15 Nov 2001, rabs wrote:

> Ive been using perl for a few months now, most people I speak to seem to
> prefer PHP. Why?

Maybe you should ask the PHP users and not the Perl users... :-)

I would venture to say that a lot of people like PHP because it is
specifically designed for web development and it's easy to pick up and
learn how to use.  I daresay most PHP programmers were drawn to things
like this:

<?php $result = $some_value + 6 ?>
Result = <?= $result ?>

In other words, they didn't really have to learn the full syntax of a
language to get things working on their web pages, they could just embed
simple statements into HTML and have dynamic pages.  They look at
something like Java and Perl (meaning servlets and plain old CGI) and see
there's potentially a lot more of an intellectual investment to get things
working. This may be especially true if they are coming into the Unix
world from Windows, and PHP is very similar in spirit to ASP.

-- Brett
Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice... moderation in the pursuit
of justice is no virtue.
                -- Barry Goldwater

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