Well franck , I could not get you logic in the first attempt.
Genrally password are associatied with users so the comparions shoud be
if  ( $user1 eq "myself" && $password1 eq "pass1")  {
    print " "

incase you need to if there "either" of user1 or user 2 then it should be

if  ( $user1 eq "myself" && $password1 eq "pass1")  || ( $user1 eq
"yourself" && $password1 eq "pass2")  {
    print "dfdfsafsa";

I cannot imagine a situation where you need to check "user1" and "user2".
Well may in some multiuser programs this may be required, but don;t have
much experience with that.

I would not be surprised if this not what you were looking for.  Actaull you
should elaborate the problem to a greater extent, then only you can expect
correct anwers

Rajeev Rumale

> Hi,
> I'm trying to do a comparisson with boolean operators and it is not
> working...
> Example:
> $user1
> $user2
> $password1
> $password2 (this are the variables)...
> The comparisson:
> if (( $user1 ne "myself" || $password1 ne "pass1") && ( $user2 ne
> || $password2 ne "pass2")) {
> print "dfdfsafsa";
> }
> it is not working.... is these boolean operators right???
> Thanks in advance,
> Wagner
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