Rob wrote:

> I've been following this list with the digest version for some time now
> and have started using the -T swith in all of the scripts that I write
> now.  Unfortunately, I don't know how to send e-mail with the -T switch
> turned on.  I would normally do it like this...
> open (MAIL, "|$mailprog -t");  #The script fails here

If you want to run external programs while in taint mode, set your PATH
enviroment variable to a safe minimal set of directories:


or even delete it if you don't need it:

  delete $ENV{PATH};

For more datails, see also:

  perldoc perlsec

(search for section titled "Cleaning Up Your Path")

Or better, use Mail::Sender, it doesn't need any external programs.

- RaFaL Pocztarski, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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