On Tue, 4 Dec 2001, Wagner Garcia Campagner wrote:

> I have a varilable:
> $var = 'asdf asdf asdf';   #using blank spaces
> Then i send it to another script like this:
> <INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=var VALUE=$var>
> The problem is when i get it back the value became:
> $var = asdf
> It stops in the first blank space.... is there a way for me to recover all
> the variable??

Duh... escaping isn't what you need, since you're probably doing this as a
post.  You should put your variable in quotes (which is what you should be
doing anyway):

<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="var" VALUE="$var">

-- Brett
In the realm of scientific observation, luck is granted only to those who are
- Louis Pasteur

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