hi guys,
        the problem i have is this. 

i am running the UK Adhesions Society Website being non profit and with
little funding our present server is capable of
        * perl/cgi
        * ssi
        * html/shtml

and we cant afford to upgrade the server at present.

the site is about to evolve from a basic info system to utelising
dynamic news and updates. thus i would like to implement a form of non
technical submision of articles and news.

i planned on doing this by use of forms to create articles etc.. and use
a perl backend to update these pages.

i would like to store the documents in a database format as to move to
mysql at a later date.

to cut a long story short.
i was looking for some advice on implemeting this eg.

best db format to use. - ( both for speed and easy transferel to mysql )

any other comments 

thanks in adavance.

Knight Shift (Web/Software Design)
"Your only young once,
 but you can be imature forever"

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