
I have used FormmaiI.pl 1.6 with no problems but after upgrading to 1.9 I
can't get it to process. ISP states "Can't locate OLE.pm." Has anyone ever
experienced this? 

Anyone have a fix? 

c. Schneider

I checked the syntax of formmail.pl, and here was the response:

Can't locate OLE.pm in @INC (@INC contains:
00404 /usr/local/lib/perl5 /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/sun4-solaris
l/lib/perl5/site_perl .) at formmail.pl line 433.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at formmail.pl line 433.

It appears the OLE perl module cannot be found.

Here are all the perl modules on our server:

AnyDBM_File.pm  FileCache.pm    Tie             dotsh.pl        newgetopt.pl
AutoLoader.pm   FindBin.pm      Time            dumpvar.pl      open2.pl
AutoSplit.pm    Getopt          UNIVERSAL.pm    exceptions.pl   open3.pl
Benchmark.pm    I18N            User            fastcwd.pl      perl5db.pl
Bundle          IO              abbrev.pl       find.pl         pod
CGI             IPC             assert.pl       finddepth.pl    pwd.pl
CGI.pm          MIME            auto            flush.pl
CPAN            Math            autouse.pm      ftp.pl          sigtrap.pm
CPAN.pm         Net             base.pm         getcwd.pl       site_perl
Carp.pm         Pod             bigfloat.pl     getopt.pl       stat.pl
Class           Search          bigint.pl       getopts.pl      strict.pm
Cwd.pm          SelectSaver.pm  bigrat.pl       hostname.pl     subs.pm
Devel           SelfLoader.pm   blib.pm         importenv.pl    sun4-solaris
DirHandle.pm    Shell.pm        cacheout.pl     integer.pm      syslog.pl
English.pm      Symbol.pm       chat2.pl        less.pm         tainted.pl
Env.pm          Sys             complete.pl     lib.pm          termcap.pl
Exporter.pm     Term            constant.pm     locale.pm       timelocal.pl
ExtUtils        Test            ctime.pl        look.pl         validate.pl
File            Text            diagnostics.pm  man             vars.pm

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