--- Kevin Harwood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a web page that allows you to click a hyperlink and then it pulls up
> data from a Berkley db based on the word(s) that forms the link.
> When there are links that have spaces, only the first word of the link is
> recognized or used.
> Here is the hyperlink that is passed to the page:
>   foreach my $word (@val){
>         my $display = "Display";
>         print "<a
> href=\file-scipt.cgi?name=$word&option=$display\>$word</a>";
>        print "<br>";
>     }
> It's used like this at times:
>  elsif ($val_type eq "boolean") {
>             my $val = $db_list->{$field}->{$name};
>             &get_boolean_value($field, $name, $val);
>           }
> So it passes the hyperlink value $word and that is suppose to query the db.
> It works for:
> look_for_this_file
> but not for:
> look for this file


There are two things you want here:

1.  Attribute values should be quoted.  For example:

    <a href="images/some.jpg">

2.  You want to use HTML::Entities to encode the data.

    #print "<a href=\file-scipt.cgi?name=$word&option=$display\>$word</a>";

    use HTML::Entities;
    # later
    $word    = encode_entities( $word );
    $display = encode_entities( $display );
    print qq|<a href="file-scipt.cgi?name=$word&amp;option=$display">$word</a>|;

Note the use of &amp; to separate name/value pairs in a query string when the query 
string is in

Incidentally, here's a neat trick taking advantage of the fact that $_ aliases the 
variable in
question when using for loops:

    for ( $word, $display ) {
        $_ = encode_entities( $_ );

If you have many variables to encode, this will do it fairly conveniently.

Curtis "Ovid" Poe

Senior Programmer
Onsite! Technology (http://www.onsitetech.com/)
"Ovid" on http://www.perlmonks.org/

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