On Dec 20, 2001 at 05:30 -0500, Jeremy Webster took the soap box and proclaimed:
: What is the best (standard, typical, easiest, hardest...) way to check that 
: the information entered into a form is a valid email address?
: Is it just a matter of seeing if there is an @ sign and a dot in the string?  
: or is there more to it?

Quite a bit, actually.  I would use the module Email::Valid.  

  use Email::Valid;
  if ( Email::Valid->address( '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' ) ) {
    print "This is a valid email address.\n";
  } else {
    print "Stop the lies!\n";

Read about the module here:

  Casey West

The last good thing written in C++ was the Pachelbel Canon. 
 -- Jerry Olson

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