On 1/3/02 2:31 PM, Philippe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello,
> I am running a little photographic club based in London UK and I intend
> to use the Web space allocated by our ISP to  show the work. that we
> produce. This would be a non profit community based site. I have learn
> some basic HTML and with the help of DreamWeaver I have done a little
> site that runs well at least on my machine (An old Mac). Before we
> publish it we thought that it would be a good idea if  we had some feed
> back from people visiting our site and give the visitors the opportunity
> of signing a visitors book where they could leave their comments, may be
> also advertise for second hand material  that they are after or want to
> sell etc, the equivalent to a "Notice Board. "We are aware of that their
> is some ill  people out there so it is important that we can monitor the
> messages, so that we do not publish abusive messages (racist or
> pornographic for example ) .
> We also need a script that would allow us to present the photographs
> like a slide show, i.e. by clicking on a forward button the view change
> to the next picture and by clicking the previous button, the viewer sees
> the previous  picture. That would allow to up date the site easily when
> we have some new work to show by an other artist.
> Thank you so much for you time.
> Sincerely yours
> Philip

This list is for help with Perl. We don't give out finished Perl scripts. If
you have a specific Perl question, feel free to ask it, but if you're
looking for a finished Perl script, check out websites such as the CGI
Resource Index (www.cgi.resourceindex.com) or the like.

I'm not sure if it will fit your needs, but you may want to check out this

-Michael Kelly
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