Hi all...
     I sent a mail yesterday, that had a couple of  attachments ...... 
Please ignore it if the attachments are not accessible or if the mail is too 
long..... I am sorry for sending such a bulky mail.....

I am writing my problem again , for those who were not able to access my 
mail yesterday :
( please refer to  http://qbiodb.chem.psu.edu/~mrudula/demo1.html
                     and   http://qbiodb.chem.psu.edu/~mrudula/demo2.html
.......... for better understanding of my problem)
   My problem is with GD::Graph::bars . I plotted the graphs using the data 
from the database and the bars are not being plotted in the same fashion for 
different data....
   The starting position of the bars depend on something , which I am not 
able to figure out.... consider the html file : 
In the graph in the above specified link,  the space between the Y-axis and 
the starting of the first bar is almost equal to three times the width of 
each bar.....
Now consider the graph in the link : 
here the space is more between the y-axis and the starting of the graph....
if u click on the first bar in both the graphs , u can make out the 
difference... All the parameters are the same for both the graphs..... can 
somebody let me know on what the starting position of the bars in the graph 
depends ..... it is very crucial for me to know about this for the progress 
of my project...... so can somebody give me some useful information 
regarding this asap ....

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