
I need help to return a winzip-file like I can do with an image like this code.


$source = "image.gif";
$status = "";
$file = "";

open (IMAGE, "<$source") or $status = "File not found!";
     $size = -s "$source";
     read (IMAGE, $file, $size);
close IMAGE;

if ($status ne "") {
  print "content-type: text/html\n\n";
  print $status;
else {
  print "content-type: image/gif\n\n";

  #print $size;
  print $file;

This returns an image just as you view it like : http://www.domain.com/image.gif

But how to do it with a .zip file?
I've tried some different 'content-type' with no success...

/Thomas J

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