> can you review this script and see if you can spot any errors?
> no errors appear in the log, but the lines that are NOT quoted do not
process correctly
> Chris
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Chris klein [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, February 01, 2002 10:07 AM
> To: Klein, Christopher
> Subject: 
> #! /usr/bin/perl
> print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
> print "<H2><U>Decoding the query string</U></H2>";
> $minobs=0;
> $file="/usr/local/www/cgi-bin/wva/testing";
> open(SUBMISSION, ">$file") || die "Can't open newfile: $! \n";
> $webpage="/usr/local/www/data/upload/page2a.html";
> open(PAGE2, ">$webpage") || die "Can't open newfile: $! \n";
> #open(NAMES, "/usr/local/www/data/upload/wvahosps.txt") || die "can't open
> data file";
> #while (<NAMES>) {
> #     ( $num, $name )= split(' ', $_, 2);
> #     $realid($num) = $name;
> #}
> #close NAMES;
> open(INPIPE, "date |");
> $today = <INPIPE>;
> close(INPIPE);
> #Getting the input
> if ( $ENV{REQUEST_METHOD} eq 'GET' ){
>     $inputstring=$ENV{QUERY_STRING};
> }
> else  {
>     read(STDIN, $inputstring, $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'});
> }
> #print "<B>Before decoding:</B><BR>";
> #print "<H3>$inputstring</H3>";
> # Replace + signs with spaces
> $inputstring =~ tr/+/ /;
> #Decoding the hexadecimal characters
> $inputstring =~ s/%(..)/pack("C", hex($1))/ge;
> # After decoding %xy
> #print "-" x 80, "<BR>";
> #print "<B>After decoding <I>%xy</I>:</B>";
> #print "<H3>$inputstring</H3>";
> # Extracting the & and = to create key/value pairs
> @key_value=split(/&/, $inputstring);
> foreach $pair ( @key_value){
>     ($key, $value) = split(/=/, $pair);
>     $input{$key} = $value;  # Creating a hash to save the data
> }
 if ($inputstring{numobs} < $minobs ) {
        print '<a href="https://wva.s-3.net/upload/error1.html";>there was an
 error, click here for details </a>';
> #elsif ($inputstring{provid} ne $num) {print '<META HTTP-EQUIV="refresh"
> CONTENT="7; url=https://wva.s-3.net/upload/error1.html";>';}
> else {
> # After decoding
> #print "-" x 80, "<BR>";
> #print "<B>After decoding + and &:</B>";
> while(($key, $value) = each(%input) ){
> # Printing the contents of the hash
> print SUBMISSION "$key: $value \n";
> }
        last unless $num;
        print SUBMISSION $realid{$num}, "\n";
> print SUBMISSION $today ;
> #creating dynamic web page
> print PAGE2 "<html>\n<head>\n<title>results</title>\n";
> print PAGE2 '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;
> charset=iso-8859-1">';
> print PAGE2 "</head>\n\n";
> print PAGE2 '<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">', "\n";
> while(($key, $value) = each(%input) ){
> # Printing the contents of the hash
> print PAGE2 "$key: $value \n ";
> }
        last unless $num;
        print PAGE2 $realid{$num}, "\n";
> print PAGE2 $today ;
> print PAGE2 "\n\n\n\n" ;
> print PAGE2 '<form name="verify"
> action="https://wva.s-3.net/cgi-bin/fupload.cgi"; method="post">';
> print PAGE2 "\n";
> print PAGE2 '<p>is this information correct?</p>';
> print PAGE2 "\n";
> print PAGE2 '<p> &nbsp;</p>';
> print PAGE2 "\n";
> print PAGE2 '<p><input type="submit" name="Yes" value="Submit"></p>';
> print PAGE2 "\n";
> print PAGE2 '</form>';
> #print "<B>Now what do we want to do with this information?";
> #print '<META HTTP-EQUIV="refresh" CONTENT="7;
> url=https://wva.s-3.net/upload/page2.html";>';
> print '<a href="https://wva.s-3.net/upload/page2a.html";>done, click here
> to continue </a>';
> }

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