At 11:09 AM 2/5/02 -0500, you wrote:
>I want to have a web page where a CGI generated table appears in the
>midst of a bunch of standard HTML. I already have the table data being
>pulled from a database & generating a layout that looks good. however,
>I would prefer not to generate the entire page in code if possible.


Besides the packages and SSI approaches you can also

--  create a template file that has the table location marked, e.g. 
--  have the program read the template file, generate the table output and 
then output it like so

my $tableData = &tableData();
my $page = &getTemplate();
for ($page) {s/###TABLE-DATA###/$tableData/}
print &httpHdrs();
print $page;

This has the advantages of

--  separating the tagging from the code so the designer can still work 
with the template, and even display the results on a browser w/o the table data
--  being easier to implement as a first introduction to learning tools 
like Mason



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