Hello all,

For some reason, the simple art of setting and retrieving a cookie is giving
me a problem.

I am using Perl 5.005_03 (using 5.6 is not something I can enforce, unfortunately).

I have one CGI script that sets a cookie using the following code:

$cookie = new CGI::Cookie(-name         =>  'sessioninfo',
                         -value         =>  [$query->param('myparam')],
                         -expires       =>  '+1y',
                         -path          =>  '/path/to/script',
                         -domain        =>  '.mydomain.com');
print $query->header(-cookie=>$cookie);

After this code is run, I can see in my Netscape cookies.txt file that the
cookie has been set with the info I expect.  However, I am unable to retrieve
the value of the "sessioninfo" cookie with the following code in another

%cookies = fetch CGI::Cookie;
if ($cookies{'sessioninfo'}) {
    $id = $cookies{'sessioninfo'}->value;

It seems to me that the %cookies hash is not being populated.

Can anyone see my error?  I'm pulling the code syntax from perldoc CGI::Cookie.



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