On Thu, 7 Feb 2002, Bruce Ambraal wrote:

> Could  any one write some coding for the problem.
> In perl against Linx could someone help.
> I want to write a script that reads in four numbers from STDIN and add
> the first two together, and than adds the second 2 together.
> The input format is a number on a line.(press enter after every number)
> I also want to ompare the resulting two numbers with > or < and print
> the largest on STDOUT.

Is this a homework problem perchance?

I won't take all of your fun away from writing the code yourself, but will
give you a hint:

You can retrieve values from STDIN like this:

my $value = <STDIN>;
chomp value; #remove trailing newline

-- Brett
"There are things that are so serious that you can only joke about them"
- Heisenberg

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