On Fri, 8 Feb 2002, Eric Pretorious wrote:
> I'm hoping to build a CGI script that:
> 1. creates a thumbnail index of .jpg files in a directory, and 
> 2. serves full-size images
> ....wrapped in an HTML template, on-the-fly.

I found the Apache::Album modlue and read the readme.txt file but
still need some guidance on a few items:

1. Is there a module like Apache::Album that can be configured to wrap
every response in an HTML template?

2. Should I split the thumbnail/index-creation and full-sized image
response between two modules?

3. Is there a module that will add 'previous' and 'next' links to each
full-sized image so that users can view the entire series of images
without having to go back to the index after every image?

3. How can I set-up Apache to dynamically recognize users' photo
directories. i.e., Add users to the system without adjusting httpd.conf
for each new user?

e.g., in httpd.conf:

<Alias /photos/*/ /home/*/photo_album/>  # Would this work?

....instead of spec'ing:

<Alias /photos/eric/ /home/eric/photo_album/>
<Alias /photos/justine/ /home/justine/photo_album/>
<Alias /photos/ariel/ /home/ariel/photo_album/>

....ad nauseum.

4. Does Apache::Album cache the thumbnails or does it create then anew
every time?

Eric P.
Los Gatos, CA

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