On Sat, 9 Feb 2002 09:54:31 -0800, Octavian Rasnita <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Do you know where I can get information about the SMTP protocol?
> I read in a module that it is explained in RFC821.
> Where can I found this RFC?

with a bit of luck, you'll find it right away

> Will I understand the SMTP protocol from there, to be able to make a script
> for sending mail?

 If you like to spend your weekends reading RFCs, this one will probably
 tell you how the SMTP protocol works.
 But if you're impatient and/or lazy and want to send mail right away,
 you can use one of numerous CPAN modules that handles SMTP protocol
 like Net::SMTP, Mail::Sender, Mail::Sendmail, Mime::Lite, etc.

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