How can I make the "Open File and print content statements" work from my sub make_body
when called from sub create_file?

The output I get is
open message.txt; while () { = "." } print 

The contents of message.txt is
Hello this is a message

The output I want is
Hello this is a message

The problem is how do I get this to work 
sub make_body
$cardbody =<<__END_OF_CARD_BODY__;

    open TEXT, "message.txt";
    while (<TEXT>) {
          print "$_<BR>";
    close TEXT;


The way I print the make_body function
#Write out our HTML FILE
sub create_file
  open(OUTFILE,">$FILE_NAME") ;
  print OUTFILE "$cardbody\n";
  close (OUTFILE);

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