On Tue, 26 Feb 2002, Scot Robnett wrote:
> What typically causes the following type of error in a CGI?
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) 
> at D:\inetpub\whatever\census\myscript.cgi line 272.
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> Line 272 is simply this:
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> 272 print <<"END_OF_HTML";
> # some HTML here (line 273)
> # some more HTML here (line 274)
> # blah blah blah (etc.)
> -----------------------------------------------------------

I'm just shootin' from the hip, but I don't think that...

1. the beginning token should be enclosed in quotes, or that
2. there should be a semi-colon after the first token.

For more info, check `perldoc -q HERE documents`. (It's a ways down the 

Eric P.
Los Gatos, CA

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