I'm having difficulty using the -T switch with perl in the #! line in cgi scripts on my Win2K system using a Netscape 4.1 web server. If I use something like "#!c:/perl/bin/perl.exe -wT" on the 1st line, the server complains with an HTTP 500 error about the script not producing valid headers. However, when I edit the script to remove the -T, it runs fine. Also, when I run it via the command line with "perl -wT foo.cgi", it compiles correctly and produces valid HTML with no errors.
I've tried this both with and without setting the Windows file association for .CGI to be "perl -wT %1 %*", which works again from the command-line just fine. Any ideas or pointers?
| T e d   M a r k o w i t z
| Chief Architect, Cognosys LLC
| 10 Hamilton Lane, Darien, CT 06820-2809
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| TJMarkowitz (AIM)


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