On Tue, 5 Mar 2002, Jeff 'japhy' Pinyan wrote:

> On Mar 4, Shaun Fryer said:
> >I'm trying to convert an old script that used cgi-lib.pl over to using
> >CGI.pm. In order to save time I'd like to simply do something like
> >what follows (though that doesn't actually work it seems).
> >
> >%in = param;
> param() only returns field names.  But why not just do:
>   use CGI 'Vars';
>   my %in = Vars();
>   # or, for a hash reference instead
>   # my $in = Vars();

It should be pointed out that if you use it as a hashref, it's actually a
*tied* hashref, which means you can alter the contents of the CGI
parameters (as opposed to just making a copy).

-- Brett
If the girl you love moves in with another guy once, it's more than enough.
Twice, it's much too much.  Three times, it's the story of your life.

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