On Tue, 19 Mar 2002, Kamali Muthukrishnan wrote:

> I have the following perl-script , which gives the user ( supposedly a
> first or second grader) a problem in addition or subtraction by
> generating random numbers.  The random numbers generated are between 1
> and 10 for first graders and 10 and 100 for second graders.  I am trying
> to just execute the code at the command prompt.  It runs OK if the line
> -
>                  use CGI qw(:standard );
> is commented out.  The loop goes through till I say 'n' to the query -
> do you want to continue ? If that line is not commented out ( I know it
> is not needed till I put a HTML piece to this ) it does not give an
> error, but runs wrong. Even if I pick 'Addition' as the operation I
> want, it gives me the subtraction problem (that is even if the
> expression in the if statement is true, it executes the 'else' ) and the
> loop does not go on till I say 'n'.  Can somebody tell me why ?( I am a
> beginner)

Don't use CGI.pm unless you are really using it -- it expects certain
things to be coming in from STDIN (CGI parameters) and using it as an
interactive command-line program is going to do nothing but frustrate you.
It runs the subtraction block because the value retrieved from STDIN is
never assigned to the correct variable.

-- Brett
The meek are contesting the will.

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