
>From a technical point of view, I think that if you
submit via "post" you are not limited in size. If you
submit via "get", it adds it all to the URL in the
form of
etc. and you are limited to about ~2K total length
(depending on the browser client). So you definately
need POST if you are going to do it all on one page.

>From a user interface point of view, however, I would
definately consider splitting this up over multiple
pages. I think users would easily get overwhelmed
faced with such a long form. I imagine that it is
probably already grouped into sections, so it would be
logical to start by making each section its own page.
Maybe some sections are optional, or only need to be
filled out if certain prior answers are given? If so,
why burden the user with even seeing such sections if
they are not to be relevant to that user?

I haven't done this myself, but here is one way I
imagine you could do it. Your first page, say,
"start.html", has a "Continue" button which would
submit to "", and that process will output
the second page, with all of the first page's answers
contained in hidden fields. The second page will
submit to "" (or they could all submit to
the same script which could figure out which page it's
currently processing), which would then output the
third page with the first two pages' answers in hidden
fields. Etc. until the last page, when it has all the
answers and can finally take the action you want. It
could get a little tricky if you want to allow users
to go back to previous pages, or branch conditionally
based on answers they've already given, but do-able.

What would be really spiffy is if you wrote something
generic enough to be easily re-usable, and could share
it with the rest of us! (For that matter, maybe
someone's already done this. Check CPAN to find out.)

Finally, as someone else asked, why not use I
was initially turned off to it by reading that it had
a reputation for being bloated, and at first the HTML
output commands struck me as really ugly and
unnecessary. But I'm starting to use it more now, for
the following reasons. (1) you don't have to use the
HTML output commands if you don't want to; (2) it's so
easy to get your parameters, and the Perl community
consensus seems to be that is the safest and
most reliable way to do that, so why re-invent the
wheel (especially an inferior one)? (3) You
automatically get it with the latest versions of Perl,
so you don't even have to find it and install it
yourself, you've likely already got it!

- John

--- Connie Chan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all, would anybody know how to handle a form with
> about 6000 around data field ? and if there any max
> size
> for data submit through CGI ?
> Anyway, I don't want to use
> Thank you for any hints and advise =)
> Connie

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