> -----Original Message-----
> From: Rafael Cotta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, May 07, 2002 2:15 AM
> Subject: Re: Little code fragment request (Is this code ok?)
> Well, after searching I come to this:
> #-------------------
> sub WriteLog
> {
>  open(OUTF,">>$filenamedate.dat") or die("Couldn't open 
> $filenamedate.dat
> for writing: $!");
>  # This locks the file so no other CGI can write to it at the
>  # same time...
>  flock(OUTF,2);
You should import the constants from Fcntl instead
of using magic numbers:

   use Fcntl qw(:flock);

>  # Reset the file pointer to the end of the file, in case
>  # someone wrote to it while we waited for the lock...
>  seek(OUTF,0,2);
This is unecessary. When a file is opened in append mode,
writes always and only go to the end.

>  print OUTF "$linha\n";
>  close(OUTF);
> }
> #-------------------
> Where $filenamedate will have something like "2002-05-06" and 
> $linha will
> contain the information I need to append to the file.
> Will this code run fine on a website with several 
> simultaneous accesses?

Additional considerations:

1. Where is $filename coming from? If it's from outside the
script, you should run with -T and properly untaint it.

2. You shouldn't assume any particular current working directory
in the CGI environment. You need to specify a path name in your
open() or use chdir() to set a specific directory.

3. Perl 5.6 allows you to use the following form for open:

   open(my $fh, ">>$filename.dat") or die ...

This makes your code more modular as it avoids use of a global

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