on Wed, 22 May 2002 00:22:30 GMT,
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jake) wrote: 
> open(outfile, ">".$pathToXML ) or die ("couldnt open xml file");
> [...]
> Unquoted string "outfile" may clash with future reserved word at 
> /var/www/cgi-bin/adminWorkReport2.cgi line 66.
> [...]
> open(assignFile, ">".$pathToAssignNum) or die ("couldnt open
> [...]
> doesnt!
> wtf???

'outfile' is all lowercase, while 'assignFile' is miXeD cASe.
It's not an error though, it's a warning, which will go away when you 
turn off warnings. (No, I'm not promoting to turn of warnings ;-)

If you stick to the convention of naming your file descriptors in 
UPPERCASE, you won't get into trouble.


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