David Vd Geer Inhuur Tbv Iplib wrote at Mon, 27 May 2002 16:59:24 +0200:

> open(FH, "<$file");
>   while <FH> {
>     s/(/(\n    /g
>     s/\n)/)/g
>     push @newoutput
>   }
> close FH;
> open(HH, ">$file");
> print HH @newoutput;
> close HH;
> It's untested, you might need to add some backslashes in front of the substitutions 
>but this
> should be it. There is probably someone else that does it faster, but at least I 
>tried :)

That won't be the only problem.
There are at least two ';' missing and 
it could be better to mention the $_ in the push command.

# Don't forget to check for errors
open FH, "<$file" or die "Can't open $file";
while (<FH>) {
    s%\(%\(\n     %g;
    push @newoutput, $_;
close FH;


(I also changed the s/// statement to s%%% to increase the readability).


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