Begin forwarded message:

> From: drieux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Thu Jun 06, 2002  07:38:29  US/Pacific
> To: begin begin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: notBob clarifies the Bob was Re: subroutine or &subroutine
> On Thursday, June 6, 2002, at 06:31 , Camilo Gonzalez wrote:
> [..]
>> Since this is a list for newbies, can you please be a bit more specific 
>> why
>> you are opposed to those things you list. I'm quite fond of using the 
>> &foo
>> or &foo(args) calling styles. Is this just a personal preference?
> [..]
> Bob Said:
>> Here are my recommendations for new code (others may want to debate 
>> these)
>> :
>> 1. Always "use strict;"
>> 2. Don't use prototypes.
>> 3. Don't use the &foo or &foo(args) calling styles.
>> 4. To call a sub with no arguments, use an empty set of
>>    parens: foo() (Exception: method calls can leave
>>    off the parens, e.g: $sth->execute; since there is
>>    no ambiguity with a method call).
> notBob says:
>       1) the 'use strict' pragma helps pop out things
>               like wacko ref cases as well as making sure
>               that you do not have any wacko sub situations
>               and will WHINE at you at compile time.... This
>               while ANNOYING at compile time helps impose good habits,
>               probably faster than making you stand at the chaulk board
>               writing
>                       I will not write bad code x 1_000_000_000
>               to impress upon the impressionable that good form is elegant.
>       2) the 'prototype' approach gets harry and messy when you
>               start certain types of software development - it was an
>               interesting idea - but as you will note in the 3rd edition
>               of programming perl it is not recommended.
>               { Nikola probably has sanity issues that he is resolving
>                       with prototyping - but then again, most of us are all
>                       sublimating one or more issues in perl... }
>               May I recommend Miss Happy's House of Dominitrix Delights
>               if you have unresolved bondage needs as a simpler and more
>               direct solution to prototyping perl functions.
>               { I think 'use subs qw/..../;' is not as cool as it was either. }
>               /* do not let me prevent you from learning the hard way. */
>       3) the &foo and &foo(@arglist) models are 'old perl' - and it
>               was so much nicer once we were allowed to go with
>                       foo();
>               so that the 'oldGuys' felt more at home that this was
>               a 'function' that was called with no args... Nothing like
>               that annoying typo HELL of
>               if ( $wombat && foo(@arglist) )
>               which you had intended to have been the &foo() bitwise
>               added with $wombat - but got the logical anded..... OYE!
>               You find that one at Oh-Dark-Squat without a Whole Lot of
>               Mountain Dew and.....
> { hey crayon heads - did your colour coded perl IDE help in this case? }
> In short these are recommendations based upon life experience,
> our life, our experience - you are free to go with the flow or
> not - but if you see me 'weaving down the road' while walking,
> just accept the fact that I do that to make it harder on the
> amatuer snipers..... If you see me running, all you need to
> do is be in front of me.....



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