> So what is a self-respecting Perl programmer to do?

Haahaa, QUIT!   Or shower and scrub with a wire brush!


                      "Bill Odom"                                                      
                      <wnodom@intrasect        To:       <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>      
                      ion.com>                 cc:       <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                     
                                               Subject:  Re: PERL!! : )                
                      06/20/02 03:00 PM                                                
                      Please respond to                                                


While I agree with Brent (hi, Brent), it doesn't have to be an
all-or-nothing decision.  I've had a lot of success running Perl *with*
ASP.  In fact, I'm finishing a project right now that
 - has to run on IIS
 - has to run under ASP

So what is a self-respecting Perl programmer to do?

Use PerlScript, ActiveState's extension that allows Perl to run as a
full-fledged ASP scripting language. You get all the "advantages" of ASP,
all the power of Perl, and none of the gut-wrenching inadequacy of
VBScript or soullessness of JavaScript.  I've built very large
applications this way.  It really works.
It's also a great way to introduce Perl to an all-Microsoft shop,
demonstrate Perl's power and maintainability, and start to loosen the
Microsoft death-grip.
--Bill Odom

> Heh, I probably came off a bit too harsh, Micro$oft really does it all
> to themselves...
> - Perl is MUCH more widely used than ASP.
> - Perl is more maintainable (good management buzzword).  I would bet
> the farm that there are more *GOOD* Perl programmers than ASP
> programmers.  I would bet the ASP has more "programmers", but most of
> them could not program their way out of a wet paper bag.
> - Perl undoubtably has more modules available than ASP.  www.cpan.org -
> Does your boss *really* want to run IIS?  "What do you want to patch
> today?"
> Note: If your boss is strictly set on running IIS, RUN, don't walk to
> the nearest exit!    When (and I said when) it gets hacked, who is
> going to take the fall???
> Brent

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