use this:

you could use system commands if you are on winnt or w2k.

I normally just use

@filelist = `dir *.ext /b`;

foreach (@filelist){
        @filename=split on the .
        if last element of @filename is what you're looking for{
                `rename $_ @filename[0].newext`

then you're done
hope this helps


On 25 Jun 2002, Felix Geerinckx wrote:

> on Tue, 25 Jun 2002 19:51:14 GMT, JoćO Paulo wrote:
> >
> > How can I quickly change the extension of a lot of files???
> >
> > something like   "file" into "file.something"     ,    JP.
> perldoc -f rename
> perldoc -f opendir
> perldoc -f readdir
> --
> felix
> --
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