On Wed, 3 Jul 2002 08:30:35 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rhen Hernandez) wrote:

>hi everyone!
>I created a password and username for my website.  My question is how can i direct 
>the user to the homepage or main page of the website.  Right now, the code is set for 
>"Permission Granted..."  I want to direct the user to the main page of the website 
>after he/she is successful completed the form.

Maybe I'm wrong here, I'm just quickly reading the code,
but I don't think this approach gives you any REAL password

If you do the password check as you describe in your code,
then redirect to a unprotected page, such as 

what is to stop someone from bypassing your login page
and entering the destination page directly in thier browser?

You need to either .htaccess protect your destination page,
which makes your logon form a waste of time, or you need
to output your html from the cgi-script that does the password

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