Hello List,

Here is my issue.  Trying to use perl/cgi script to build a table in a form.  Building 
the table is straight forward as the code snippet below works.  The problem is -- How 
do I set up the code to align cell 1 right and align cell 2 left? Or more generally 
how do I set up the code to apply different HTML attributes to individual cells?

print $q->table((
  {-cellpadding=>"5", -cellspacing=>"0", -border=>"1", -width=>"100%"},
 $q->Tr({-align=>'center'}, [
  $q->td([" this is cell 1","this is cell 2"]),
  $q->td({-align=>"left"},[" this is cell 3"])])));

After that I will want to set up different font faces in each cell so any info on that 
would be helpful too.

Thanks in advance for helping.

Joe Pond

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