----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Max Clark" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2002 6:43 PM
Subject: "tail -f" with cgi

> Hi,

Hello Max,

> I am trying to write a cgi program to "tail -f" a log file. I have a perl
> script that will open and print the log file, however it closes as soon as
> it reads whatever is in the file at that particular time. How do I mimic
> "tail -f" functionality?

This is a quick snippet of code I threw together to view file info on a win32 platform 
from the command line, that works on *nix as well.  It should be easy enough to 
convert to use from within a program.

use strict;
print "\n\n";
my $size;
open(F,"<$ARGV[0]") or die "Can't open $ARGV[0]: $!\n";
while(<F>) { $size++; }
my ($s1,$s2)=((stat($ARGV[0]))[7],'');
  do {
  } until($s1!=$s2);
  open(F,"<$ARGV[0]") or die "Can't open $ARGV[0]: $!\n";
  my $row;
  while(<F>) {
    print "$row: $_" if($size < $row);


> Thanks,
> Max

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