Octavian Rasnita wrote:

> I run the script with the ?fileName query string to download the "fileName"
> file.
> The download finishes fine, and the script deletes the "fileName" file from
> the server.
> Then in the same Internet Explorer window, I run again the script with the
> "anotherFileName" query string, for downloading another file.
> internet Explorer prompts me to download the second file, I choose "save"
> but it doesn't appear that window for choosing a file name.
> Instead, it appears an error message telling me that the server localhost
> cannot be contacted to download the file script_name.pl.
> If I close Internet Explorer, and open another window, it works fine without
> any problem.

Boy that sounds like a problem with IE rather than the script, do you 
see the same behavior in any other browser, Netscape, Mozilla, lynx, etc?

I defer to the list.........


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