..grey { background-color: #cccccc; }Hello. I don't know how dumb this is going to 
sound, but here goes:

i'm writing a website that requires an upload for pictures. I have figured out how to 
get the image, upload it to the correct dirctory and save successfully, but the 
problem comes with the fact that i have to specify the filename. i want to know how to 
grab the filename from the input of the following script (and by the way, i do not 
take credit for this script. i've only been programming in perl for about a day)

$CGI::POST_MAX = 2048;
print "content-type: text/html\n\n";
@inx = <STDIN>;
$in = join("",@inx);
$in = substr($in,0,length($in) - 2);;
print ff $in;
print "DONE, Uploaded Size: ".length($in)." bytes";

obviously in the open(ff, ">../htdocs/pics/z.jpg"); i don't want it to save the 
picture as "z.jpg" i want it to be saved under it's original filename. So how do i 
draw out the filename minus the directory settings (i.e. c:/my documents)?

Thank you in advance,
Nathan Cox

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