The code is:

 my $cookie1 = $query->cookie(-name => 'userid', -value => "$username", -expires => 
'+1D', -secure => 1, -path => '/');
 my $cookie2 = $query->cookie(-name => 'verify', -value => 'TRUE', -expires => '+1D', 
-secure => 1, -path => '/');
 print  $query->header(-type => "text/html", -cookie => [$cookie1, $cookie2]),
  $query->start_html(-title => "User Verification Successful"),
  $query->h1("Authorization Successful, User $username"),
  $query->a({-href=>'/cgi-bin/template.cgi'}, 'Go to main page!!'),
  my %cookies = $query->cookie(-name => 'userid');
  my %cookies2 = $query->cookie(-name => 'verify');
  print %cookies;
  print %cookies2;

I did use the CGI::Cookie package with the fetch subroutine, but I thought I would try 
it using the CGI package. I took this code from the The result is that 
these hashes are empty.

John Pitchko
Data Services
Saskatchewan Government Insurance

>>> Bob Showalter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 07/29/02 09:46am >>>
> -----Original Message-----
> From: John Pitchko [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, July 29, 2002 9:40 AM
> Subject: fetch CGI::Cookie Trouble
> Hey guys,
> I am having trouble when accessing cookies we've created. I 
> am using CGI::Cookie in a script to generate the cookie and 
> send it to the browser. This seems to work fine, as the 
> cookie is then saved and I can see it in my local Cookies 
> folder on my computer. However, when using the fetch 
> CGI::Cookie command, we get:
> Can't call method "value" on an undefined value at 
> /appl/webdocs/cgi-bin/verify.cgi line 45.
> We are using the exact code from the manpage and have no idea 
> why this is happening. Any suggestions?

Help us out by posting the offending code.

I assume you're doing something like this:

    # fetch existing cookies
    %cookies = fetch CGI::Cookie;
    $id = $cookies{'ID'}->value;

If there is no cookie named 'ID', then $cookies{'ID'} would be
undefined, so $cookies{'ID'}->value would be equivalent to


which is obviously a problem. You really need to make sure you
received a cookie named ID first by something like:

    %cookies = fetch CGI::Cookie;
    $id = defined($cookies{ID}) && $cookies{ID}->value;

I can't say why you aren't getting the cookie. Make sure everything
is spelled correctly.

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