I'm a bit confused -- I thought I was posting through a USENet server, and I 
guess it's actually more like a mailing list.  I guess I need to find a FAQ 
to check and see what I missed.

Anyway, you've hit it.  I got a few answers on IRC somewhere around 4 am, and 
after waking up and thinking it over, I fixed the problem by changing my 
decleration from our @myparms = CGI::param() to my @myparms = CGI::param().  
(Someone on IRC said to try read(STDIN, $buffer, $ENV{CONTENT_LENGTH}):, 
which showed me the data passed to the script was NOT duplicated -- so we 
could see the duplication had to be within perl.)

Since I had two simple 3 line subroutines, I had declared variables in that 
script with OUR.  Once I made the change noted above, everything worked fine.

And yes, I am using mod_perl.  I didn't realize there was a difference in 
behavior like that.  It's working now.

Thank you for your help!


On Wednesday 14 August 2002 06:04 pm, you wrote:
> In other words what Rob is asking ;-) is are you using mod_perl or plain
> cgi, and in the case of plain CGI, what browser are you using?  what
> version of that browser?  and have you tried other browsers, on other
> OSes, on other computers with what results???
> http://danconia.org
> Hanson, Rob wrote:
> > Running Perl as a CGI will *not* cache any variables (or anything else).
> > Each time the script is called the Perl executable will be started, and
> > when finished it will free all memory that it was using.  If you are
> > using mod_perl it is a little different.  mod_perl will cache a script
> > (and any modules used) in memory so that it starts up faster the next
> > time it is called, and it *can* cache variables if your code isn't
> > written with mod_perl in mind.
> >
> > I hope that helps.
> >
> > Rob
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Hal Vaughan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Tuesday, August 13, 2002 11:27 PM
> > Subject: Submitting Form Passes Old Values
> >
> >
> > I've got what amounts to a control panel or preferences settings system
> > that
> >
> > uses HTML and perl scripts.  I'm running this on Mandrake Linux 8.2 with
> > Apache 1.3.  I have two pages that interact with each other.  The 2nd
> > page, the one I'm having problems with, has a number of checkboxes, drop
> > down menus, and radio buttons.  The first time I press Submit, all the
> > values are passed properly to the called perl script.  The problem comes
> > in after that.  When I use this page again, (both second and later times)
> > and press "Submit", the page passes all the form elements (or rather
> > their values) again, but twice.  It keeps building, but I'm not sure if
> > it adds another copy of all the values each time I submit the page or
> > not.
> >
> > In other words, I press submit once, I get one set of values, and am
> > returned to a front page.  I go from the front page back to the page with
> > the form and press submit again, and I get two sets of the same values. 
> > I just keep getting more and more values.
> >
> > How are these values staying in memory?  How can I purge them?
> >
> > Thanks.
> >
> > Hal

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