
Can someone help me with these 2 problems I have :

1) I want to create 2 (or more) drop down lists. Depending on what is
selected on the first list, the second list is generated and depending on
what is selected on the second list the 3rd list is generated. I know this
can be done in javascript, but it is hardcoded. I want to be able to
generate the second list from a database.

2) Something similar to the above. When some fields are filled in on a
form(Form1), the user presses submit and goes on to another form (Form2),
more fields are filled in depending on form1's input. Form2 is submitted and
form3 appears depending on what is filled in on Form2. The problem is that I
have to keep on passing all the variables filled on Form1 as hidden fields
on From2 and then all of Form1 and Form2 variables onto Form3 so that once
Form3 is submitted I can get them using $q->param('var'). Is there an easier
way to do this?


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