on Tue, 27 Aug 2002 16:33:42 GMT, Soheil Shaghaghi wrote:

> I am using a program that gets the user information and stores them. The
> program stores each user data in a separate file, like userid.tmp
> The data that is in each file looks like this:
> username#!#fullname#!#email#!#userid#!#registratingdate#...#!#n

Seems strange to me, storing one of info in thousands of files. Why isn't 
this information stored in one file to begin with?

> What I need to do is get the e-mail addresses and the names out of these
> files and store them all in one file.
> I have more than 10,000 files, so I can' really do this manually.
> Is there a way to do this with Perl?

The following (untested) program could be a start

    #! perl -w
    use strict;

    my $dir = '/development';

    # Get filenames
    opendir DIR, $dir or die "Cannot open '$dir': $!";
    my @files = grep {/^(.*)\.tmp$/ } readdir DIR;
    closedir DIR;

    foreach my $f (@files) {
        open FILE, $f or warn "Cannot open '$dir/$f' - skipping: $!\n";
        while (<FILE>) {
            if ($. > 1) {
                warn "File '$dir/$f' contains more than one line!" . 
                     " - skipping all but first\n";
            my @data = split /#!#/;
            unless (@data == 6) {
                warn "Illegal record structure in '$dir/$f' - skipping\n"; 
            print "$data[1]\t$data[2]\n";
        close FILE;

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