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> At 06:48 PM 8/27/2002 -0400, you wrote:
>> This doesn't sound like a CGI script
> You're absolutely right.  This is my second iteration, I've dropped the 
> CGI implementation for security reasons and because some users only use 
> the Net for email.

Ah. Same rules bascially apply, slightly different interface.

>> There are a number of modules for manipulating character delimited 
>> flat db files, for instance DBI::CSV which may be overkill for your 
>> app. I would check the CPAN for others or someone else here can 
>> propose some.
> Thanks.
>> 1) Can you be *completely* certain that the passwords are unique, this 
>> seems scary to me depending on the number of records keeping track of 
>> whether some password has already been used could be a hassle, just a 
>> question.  Using a unique (but hidden) identifier such as an int might 
>> save hassles in the future.
> Hmmmm... I'll have to think about this.  Fortunately, the database will 
> be small.

With a small DB and depending on how often it changes you may get away 
with it, and we used to use username/password as a unique identifier and 
just ran into to many problems with them so we switched to ints, which 
if you eventually switch to a regular DB or develop other things will 
speed most engines up.

>> 2) Don't know how secure the data is but sending passwords through the 
>> subject line could prevent more security in the future as headers 
>> can't be encrypted by most mailers. If the paths are trusted this is 
>> obviously not an issue.
> This is for use by psychotherapists -- not very computer savvy.  
> Primarily, they just don't want to post their phone numbers on a public 
> web page.

Ah, makes sense. I have encryption on the brain these days (thanks to 
work) so been thinking at that level.

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