Ok Ok, I am glad that Net::SMTP is better.
I prefer it because I could use the same code in Windows and Unix and I
heard that using sendmail could create some security problems, but I thought
that sendmail could be more reliable, or could work faster, etc.

Teddy's Center: http://teddy.fcc.ro/

----- Original Message -----
From: "Wiggins d'Anconia" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Octavian Rasnita" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2002 5:51 AM
Subject: Re: sendmail command line (without queuing)

> Would be interesting to know which book and what reasons they stated for
> using sendmail directly.  I would imagine most of the people on the list
> and myself included would advocate using the module in almost all cases.
> There are a couple of big reasons, mainly that understanding sendmail is
> a huge huge task, sendmail is probably one of the most complex software
> packages on the internet, using a module to direct all of its
> intricacies written by someone else whom probably has a better if not
> very good understanding of the underlying core technology, in this case
> sendmail, is better than trying to learn just a couple of things about
> sendmail to accomplish what you want, while this works in "throw away"
> scripts that only get used once or twice, for any sort of "real
> programming" (as drieux puts it) project you are going to want the
> robustness the module can provide in a relatively simple interface,
> again which the module provides.
> Second by using the module you remove yourself from having to keep
> abreast of the latest changes to SMTP and the sendmail specs, etc. which
> if you are into and it is a core part of your development that may be
> fine, but for most of us we have enough to keep track of with respect to
> browsers, web servers, databases, perl itself, the OS, etc. being able
> to just upgrade the module and leave the changes required for it to
> interface with sendmail to the module developer relieves one burden.
> Finally, when in the future your code has to get maintained by someone
> else, using a module as standard and well documented as most in CPAN are
> and in the case of Net::SMTP specifically will be much easier on that
> other person as there is a good chacne they are already familar with it
> or they can quickly get spun up on good docs.
> Certainly there are times when calling sendmail directly may be
> appropriate but in most cases, 99 out of a 100, using the module is
> probably going to be better in the long run. As for using Net::SMTP or
> any of the other mail modules is probably system dependent, and is
> certainly influenced by user opinion, we all have our preferences. A
> quick search on CPAN returns 149 :-).......
> http://search.cpan.org/search?mode=all&query=sendmail
> Remember to throw comments back to the list as well, I would love to
> hear what others think, does anyone disagree, should we cast aside the
> module and go with the direct route (other than the fact that this sends
> us down the evil path to the dark side, drieux?).......

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